This is small self hosted Telegram Bot written on python to save baby sleep and awake time. Based on python app SZ_BabySWTime. For time saving uses SQLite database.
Main function is to add time when baby go to sleep and when wake up. For simple use i decide to use Telegram.


- Add sleep time
- Add awake time
- View baby awaken time in table mode with dates
- View baby sleep time in table mode with dates


/start - to start bot
/help - open list with commands
/adds - saves time when baby go to sleep (enter "back" to exit from adds menu)
/addw - saves time when baby waked up (enter "back" to exit from addw menu)
/shows - show table with calculated sleep time
/showa - show table with calculated awake time
/delall - full erase of database
/dels - delete last sleep record
/dela - delete last wake up record

Program depends of PrettyTable module and pyTelegramBotApi
that can be installed by “pip install prettytable”
and “pip install pyTelegramBotAPI”


When bot starts first time it check Database.db and config.txt file
If files don't exist, bot create them.
Database.db after created is ready to work
In config.txt must be edited TOKEN field
TOKEN = your token of telegram bot
After TOKEN endited run bot one more time



TOKEN = your token

# SZ_BabySWTime_bot_1.0
# App that writes time to DB and calculate how much baby
# sleep or awake

# Usage
# help - open list with commands
# adds - saves time when baby go to sleep (enter "back" to exit from adds menu)
# addw - saves time when baby waked up (enter "back" to exit from addw menu)
# shows - show table with calculated sleep time
# showa - show table with calculated awake time
# delall - full erase of database
# dels - delete last sleep record
# dela - delete last wake up record

# Program depends of PrettyTable module and pyTelegramBotApi
# that can be installed by "pip install prettytable" 
# and "pip install pyTelegramBotAPI"

import telebot
import os
import sqlite3
# functions that calculate sleep and awake time
import time_calc_f
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from datetime import date
from sys import exit

print("Bot starting...")
print("Checking database... ")

# Checking if DB file exist
if os.path.isfile('Database.db'):
    print("Not Exist")
    print("Creating database...")
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db') 
    cur = con.cursor()
# Create table 
    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE add_sleep (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date text, hour text, minute text)''')
    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE add_wakeup (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date text, hour text, minute text)''')
    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE sleep_time (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date text, time text)''')
    cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE wakeup_time (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, date text, time text)''')

# Checking if config file exists
print("Checking config file... ")
if os.path.isfile('config.txt'):
# Creating file if not exist
    with open('config.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('TOKEN = token example')

print("Bot started")

# Parsing TOKEN from config file
with open('config.txt') as f:
   lines = f.readlines()

for line in lines:
   if "TOKEN" in line:
       ext_token = line.split(" = ")[1]
       for r in rep:

# BOT Token
bot = telebot.TeleBot(ext_token)

# BOT Start Message
def send_welcome(message):
	bot.reply_to(message, """
	Hi, this is Telegram bot which calculate baby sleep time. For more information use command /help""")

# BOT Help Message
help_message = """
<b>/help</b> - open list with commands\n
<b>/adds</b> - saves time when baby go to sleep (enter \"back\" to exit from adds menu)\n
<b>/addw</b> - saves time when baby waked up (enter \"back\" to exit from addw menu)\n
<b>/shows</b> - show table with calculated sleep time\n
<b>/showa</b> - show table with calculated awake time\n
<b>/delall</b> - full erase of database\n
<b>/dels</b> - delete last sleep record\n
<b>/dela</b> - delete last wake up record\n
def send_welcome(message):	bot.send_message(, help_message.format(, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html')

# BOT Add Sleep Command 
def adds_f(message):
    bot.send_message(, "Enter time when go to sleep (time format XX:XX):")
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, add_sleep_time_f)
# Checking for correct symbols entered    
def add_sleep_time_f(message):
    if len(message.text) == 5:
        if message.text[0:2].isnumeric() and message.text[2] == ":" and message.text[3:5].isnumeric():
           if (int(message.text[0:2]) >=0 and int(message.text[0:2]) <=24) and (int(message.text[3:5]) >=0 and int(message.text[3:5]) <=59):
               sleep_hour = message.text[0:2]
               sleep_minute = message.text[3:5]
# Write time to add_sleep table 
## Checking if clean table add_sleep in DB 
               con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
               cur = con.cursor()
               cur.execute("SELECT id FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
               if cur.fetchone() is None:
                   cur.execute("""INSERT INTO add_sleep (date, hour, minute ) 
                   VALUES (?, ?, ?)""", (, sleep_hour, sleep_minute))
                   bot.send_message(, "Sleep time saved")
## Check if table add_wakeup has record
                   cur.execute("SELECT id FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
                   sleep_exist_id = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
                   cur.execute("""SELECT id FROM add_wakeup ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
                   wakeup_exist_id = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
                   if sleep_exist_id == wakeup_exist_id:
                       cur.execute("""INSERT INTO add_sleep (date, hour, minute ) 
                       VALUES (?, ?, ?)""", (, sleep_hour, sleep_minute))
                       bot.send_message(, "Sleep time saved") 
                       bot.send_message(, "Please enter wake up time")
               bot.send_message(, "Value not correct")
            bot.send_message(, "Value not correct")

    elif message.text == "back":
        bot.send_message(, "Value not correct")

# BOT Add Wake Up Command 
def addw_f(message):
    bot.send_message(, "Enter time when waked up (time format XX:XX):")
    bot.register_next_step_handler(message, add_wakeup_time_f)
# Checking for correct symbols entered 
def add_wakeup_time_f(message):
    if len(message.text) == 5:
        if message.text[0:2].isnumeric() and message.text[2] == ":" and message.text[3:5].isnumeric():
           if (int(message.text[0:2]) >=0 and int(message.text[0:2]) <=24) and (int(message.text[3:5]) >=0 and int(message.text[3:5]) <=59):
               wake_hour = message.text[0:2]
               wake_minute = message.text[3:5]
# Write time to add_sleep table
## Check if table add_sleep is clean                
               con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
               cur = con.cursor()
               cur.execute("SELECT id FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
               if cur.fetchone() is None:
                  bot.send_message(, "Please enter sleep time")
                  #print("Please enter sleep time")
# Check if table add_wakeup has record
                  cur.execute("SELECT id FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
                  sleep_exist_id = cur.fetchone()
                  if sleep_exist_id is not None:
                    sleep_exist_id = (int(sleep_exist_id[0]))
                    cur.execute("""SELECT id FROM add_wakeup ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
                    wakeup_exist_id = cur.fetchone()
                  if wakeup_exist_id is not None:
                    wakeup_exist_id = (int(wakeup_exist_id[0]))
                    wakeup_exist_id = 0
                  if sleep_exist_id > wakeup_exist_id:
                    cur.execute("""INSERT INTO add_wakeup (date, hour, minute ) 
                    VALUES (?, ?, ?)""", (, wake_hour, wake_minute))
                    bot.send_message(, "Wake up time saved")
                   bot.send_message(, "No sleep record found")
                bot.send_message(, "Value not correct")
            bot.send_message(, "Value not correct")
    elif message.text == "back":
        bot.send_message(, "Value not correct")

# BOT Show Sleep Command 
def shows_f(message):
    my_table = PrettyTable()
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM sleep_time")
    rows = cur.fetchone()
    if rows is not None:
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM sleep_time")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
        my_table.border = False    
        my_table.field_names = ["No", "Date", "Sleep time"]
        bot.send_message(, f'<pre>{my_table}</pre>'.format(, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html')
        bot.send_message(, "Empty Database")

# BOT Show Awake Command 
def send_welcome(message):	
    my_table = PrettyTable()
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM wakeup_time")
    rows = cur.fetchone()
    if rows is not None:
        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM wakeup_time")
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
        my_table.border = False      
        my_table.field_names = ["No", "Date", "Awake time"]
        bot.send_message(, f'<pre>{my_table}</pre>'.format(, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html')
        bot.send_message(, "Empty Database")

# BOT Drop DB Command 
def send_welcome(message):
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM sleep_time;",)
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM wakeup_time;",)
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM add_sleep;",)
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM add_wakeup;",)
    bot.send_message(, "Database erased".format(, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html')

# BOT Delete Last Sleep Record from DB Command
def send_welcome(message):
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM add_sleep WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM add_sleep)")
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM wakeup_time WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM wakeup_time)")
    bot.send_message(, "Last sleep record deleted".format(, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html')

# BOT Delete Last Awake Record from DB Command
def send_welcome(message):
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM add_wakeup WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM add_wakeup)")
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM sleep_time WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM sleep_time)")
    bot.send_message(, "Last wake up record deleted".format(, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html')

# Function to write calculated time to sleep
def write_data_to_sleep(sleep_time):
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("""SELECT date FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    date_created =  cur.fetchone()[0]
    cur.execute("""INSERT INTO sleep_time (date, time) 
        VALUES (?, ?)""", (date_created, sleep_time))

# Function to write calculated time to wakeup
def write_data_to_wakeup(wakeup_time):
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("""SELECT date FROM add_wakeup ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    date_created =  cur.fetchone()[0]
    cur.execute("""INSERT INTO wakeup_time (date, time) 
        VALUES (?, ?)""", (date_created, wakeup_time))

# Function to operate with times in add tables
def get_data_from_add_sleep():
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("""SELECT hour FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    sleep_last_h = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    cur.execute("""SELECT minute FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    sleep_last_m = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    cur.execute("""SELECT hour FROM add_wakeup ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    wakeup_last_h = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    cur.execute("""SELECT minute FROM add_wakeup ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    wakeup_last_m = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    sleep_time = time_calc_f.sleep_f(wakeup_last_h, wakeup_last_m, sleep_last_h, sleep_last_m)

# Function to operate with times in add tables
def get_data_from_add_wakeup():
    con = sqlite3.connect('Database.db')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("""SELECT hour FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    sleep_last_h = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    cur.execute("""SELECT minute FROM add_sleep ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    sleep_last_m = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    cur.execute("""SELECT hour FROM add_wakeup ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    wakeup_last_h = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    cur.execute("""SELECT minute FROM add_wakeup ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1""")
    wakeup_last_m = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
    awake_time = time_calc_f.wakeup_f(wakeup_last_h, wakeup_last_m, sleep_last_h, sleep_last_m)


# Just for test uncomment to enter manualy time to calculate
#wakeup_h = input("wakeup_h: ")
#wakeup_m = input("wakeup_m: ")
#sleep_h = input("sleep_h: ")
#sleep_m = input("sleep_m: ")
#wakeup_h = int(wakeup_h)
#wakeup_m = int(wakeup_m)
#sleep_h = int(sleep_h)
#sleep_m = int(sleep_m)

# Function calculates how much time pass from sleep to wakeup
def sleep_f(wakeup_h, wakeup_m, sleep_h, sleep_m):
    if wakeup_h < sleep_h:
        time_in_min =(1440 - abs(((wakeup_h *60)+wakeup_m) - ((sleep_h*60)+sleep_m)))
        time_in_min = abs(((wakeup_h *60)+wakeup_m) - ((sleep_h*60)+sleep_m))
    time_h = int(time_in_min/60)
    time_m = time_in_min - (time_h * 60)
    sleep_time = str(time_h) + ":" + str(time_m)

# Function calculates how much time pass from wake up to sleep
def wakeup_f(wakeup_h, wakeup_m, sleep_h, sleep_m):
    if wakeup_h > sleep_h:
        time_in_min =1440 - abs(((sleep_h * 60) + sleep_m)-((wakeup_h * 60) + wakeup_m))
        time_in_min = abs(((sleep_h * 60) + sleep_m)-((wakeup_h * 60) + wakeup_m))
    time_h = int(time_in_min/60)
    time_m = time_in_min - (time_h * 60)
    wakeup_time = str(time_h) + ":" + str(time_m)

Link to code download
Link to compiled version for windows and linux download


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