Today i continue testing Duino coin mining benchmark on android devices
in this video i run Duino coin miner with fasthash support.

First find in Google F-droid market, download and install it.
Find in F-droid market Termux terminal app, download and install it.
Find in F-droid market AnLinux app, download and install it.

Open AnLinux app, press on button Choose

Select Ubuntu and press OK
Press Copy and then Launch
Open Termux and paste copied code
After all installed run command:
Ubuntu starts and then need to update packages, run command:
apt update
Next need to install all requested software, run command:
apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev git
After all software installed need to clone duino coin repository from GitHub, run command:
git clone
next going to cloned directory, run command:
cd duino-coin
after install all requested python modules run command:
pip3 install requests
then run miner, run command:
Answer on all questions
miner starts and runs with fast hash module because this phone have aarch64 CPU architecture 
Miner hash rate on 8 threads is average 10 mh/s
Duino coin benchmark on ESP32
Duino coin mining on Arduino UNO, miner 3.0 version

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