Today i will make downgrading Duino coin mining test on very old tiny client pc with VIA 800 MHz CPU. Maximum mining speed with fast hash module is 236 KH/s.
Downgrading test, Mining Duino Coin on old VIA CPU 999 Mhz I tried to compile fasthash acceleration library, but CPU is to old Average mining hashrate is 57.32 kH/s, it. read more…
Today on a test old vintage Pentium 3 700 MHz laptop with 384 Mb Ram. It was possible to run Duino coin miner only in minimal version without fast hash. read more…
Downgrading mining test, Mining Duino coin on VIA CPU 800MHz.
Today i will make downgrading Duino coin mining test on very old tiny client pc with VIA 800 MHz CPU. Maximum mining speed with fast hash module is 236 KH/s.
Downgrading test, Mining Duino Coin on old VIA CPU 999 Mhz
Downgrading test, Mining Duino Coin on old VIA CPU 999 Mhz I tried to compile fasthash acceleration library, but CPU is to old Average mining hashrate is 57.32 kH/s, it. read more…
Downgrade mining test, mining Duino coin on Pentium 3 700 MHz
Today on a test old vintage Pentium 3 700 MHz laptop with 384 Mb Ram. It was possible to run Duino coin miner only in minimal version without fast hash. read more…
Downgrading Mining test, Mining Duino coin on Intel Atom N270 CPU
Today i will make downgrade Duino coin mining test on Atom n270 CPU. Average mining speed is 0.75 MH/s. This CPU supports fasthash acceleration.