Today i will make downgrading Duino coin mining test on very old tiny client pc with VIA 800 MHz CPU. Maximum mining speed with fast hash module is 236 KH/s.
Downgrading test, Mining Duino Coin on old VIA CPU 999 Mhz I tried to compile fasthash acceleration library, but CPU is to old Average mining hashrate is 57.32 kH/s, it. read more…
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Downgrading mining test, Mining Duino coin on VIA CPU 800MHz.
Today i will make downgrading Duino coin mining test on very old tiny client pc with VIA 800 MHz CPU. Maximum mining speed with fast hash module is 236 KH/s.
Downgrading test, Mining Duino Coin on old VIA CPU 999 Mhz
Downgrading test, Mining Duino Coin on old VIA CPU 999 Mhz I tried to compile fasthash acceleration library, but CPU is to old Average mining hashrate is 57.32 kH/s, it. read more…