Today I will run Duino coin miner on Samsung a40 in Termux
First we need to install F-Droid application, simply can be found in google.
Next need to find Termux and install it.
After Termux installed run command:
pkg upgrade
Next install python and git, run command:
pkg install git python
Next need to clone miner repository, run command:
git clone
After git cloned, go to the cloned directory, run command:
cd duino-coin
To run miner need to install requests, run command:
pip install requests
run miner, enter command:
Then miner starts answer all questions:
Set username of Duino coin wallet
Set mining intensity: recommended is 95 percent
Set mining threads: I choose all available
Select mining difficulty you want want to use: I use low difficulty
Do you want to add an identifier (name) to this rig?: I prefer to set names of rigs
Enter desired rig name: writing rig name
Set developer donation level (0-5) (recommended: 1), this will not reduce your earnings: I chose 1
That all, miner starts and shows your mining speed.
Duino coin benchmark on ESP8266
Duino coin benchmark on Arduino UNO (deprecated miner version 2.7.4)

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