Today i will compile and run Duino coin miner on Orange Pi PC.
First i download Armbian Linux.
I take Armbian 21.08 Bullseye cli version. 
Write downloaded image to SD card with BalenaEtcher
Press Flash from file and choose downloaded image
Next press on Select target and select SD card to write image
Press Flash to write image
Wait while image writing to SD card
Next, put SD card into Orange Pi PC, connect monitor, Ethernet, keyboard and power on Orange Pi PC. 
Wait while it starts.

When it started, command line waits to create new root password.
Enter new password, choose shell, create standard user, user password, and your location. 
Next check IP address of your Orange Pi PC, run command:
After we know IP address we can use any ssh client to connect to Orange Pi PC. I use Kitty client,
Enter IP address of your Orange Pi PC and press Start.
If IP address is correct, in terminal you need to login with user root and your created root password.
First after login update repositories, run command:
apt update
Next upgrade all packages, run command:
apt upgrade
Next install git and python, run command:
apt install git python3
Clone duino coin repository from GitHub, run command:
git clone
Enter into cloned directory, run command:
cd duino-coin
Start miner, run command:
Miner starts and warm that requests not installed, run command to install them:
pip3 install requests
Start again miner, run command:
Enter username, intensity, threads, difficulty, rig name and developer donation level 
Miner starts without fasthash support and average hashrate is 306 kH/s
Fasthash compilation is shown in video, with fasthash module hashrate is 1.95 MH/s
Compiling and running Duino coin miner on Android 7 and above with fasthash
Duino coin benchmark on Android TV BOX

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